

Journal of Studies in Dynamics and Change (JSDC)

Journal of Studies in Dynamics and Change -JSDC is a multi-disciplinary platform for expression in various fields of social sciences. The journal seeks to publish original research work by scholars and other contributions in different areas of knowledge especially; economics, sociology, gender studies, politics, history. The scope of the journal is limited to discussions on systemic fluctuations, factors affecting such fluctuations and other issues. While contributions on theoretical and philosophical aspects of changes caused by such fluctuations and dynamic factors that bring change are strongly welcome, the journal is also interested in other forms of contributions.


Keywords: JSDC, papers in economics, research papers in sociology, research papers in gender studies, review articles in politics, papers in history

ISSN: 2348-7038


Subject: Multidisciplinary

Publisher: Lokkatha

Year: 2014

Country: India

Views: 6292 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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