

International Journal of Resistive Economics

Resistive economy is a school and a strategy to achieve the minimum vulnerability and optimal point on the circumstances that independent variables such as economic sanctions and global restrictions, rule on economy. Therefore, due to develop the theme, scientific aspects and features of this economy, this journal has been set up to convey the ideological foundations of the resistive economy to literature of global economy. The Open Access Journal of Resistive Economics is a peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, as well as case reports in a wide range of subjects in Economics, however articles published in the journal may appear in multiple subjects (Economy under Sanctions, Green Economics, Entrepreneurship, Military Economics and Management, Oil and Gas Economics and Management). Each article published by The Open Access Journal of Resistive Economics will be available on the journal’s website in different formats; full-text HTML, downloadable full-text PDF. Also some chosen papers will publish by another Publishers. Open Access Journal of Resistive Economic organized by Toroudshomal Research Company.


Keywords: Resistive economy, Resistive Economics, Sanctions, open access

ISSN: 2345-4954


Subject: Business and Management

Publisher: Toroudshomal Research-industrial Company

Year: 2013

Country: Iran

Views: 1286 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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