

Journal of Medical Discovery

Journal of Medical Discovery (JMD) is an open access and peer-reviewed journal publishing basic, translational and clinical research works in biomedicine, medicine, pharmacology and life science. JMD publishes papers with and owned by the fast growing publishing group, E-Discovery Publication Inc.. JMD provides a platform for exchanging information among researchers in the medical-scientific field and sub-specialties, including but not limited to biomedical science, cancer biology, pharmacology, nursing, biochemistry, molecular biology, stem cell, epigenetics, bioinformatics and clinical researches. The scientific work in these fields and other relevant researches are welcome to be submitted, evaluated and published on our journal. As a fast publication journal, JMD will provide authors with a transparent peer review process, fast editorial decision and accelerated publication rate of their work. To ensure the outstanding quality of JMD, we accept manuscripts with novel and sound scientific findings. The work should be performed scientifically, technically, ethically and in compliance with the standard guidelines.


Keywords: Life science, Basic research, Bioinformatics, Medicine, Diseases, Cancer, Nursing, Prevention, Early detection, Diagnosis, Treatment, Rehabilitation

ISSN: 2476-129X


Subject: Biology

Publisher: E-Discovery Publication Inc.

Year: 2016

Country: United States

Views: 3590 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor - Not Available

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