

Small Enterprises Development, Management & Extension (Sedme) Journal

Sedme Journal breathed its first in 1974, when the academic community of the institute felt the need for a forum through which they could express and exchange their thoughts and opinions on small enterprise related policies, programmes, etc. Since then, it has evolved into a healthy journal of acknowledged quality in the domain of small enterprise, attracting contributors and users not only from every corner of the country but also from other developing as well as developed countries. Sedme Journal has been bringing out exclusive theme focussed numbers (IPR, EDP, Rural Industrialisation, Finance, etc.) and is widely sought after by researchers, practitioners and promotional bodies concerned with small enterprise one way or the other. The editorial team of Journal take pride in stating that during the massive quarter century of the Journal’s existence, it has been a sui generis journal dedicated to small enterprise, and continues to maintain that premier position.


Keywords: nimsme online journal;nimsme online;sedme;2456-1223;online journal system

ISSN: 0970-8464


Subject: Business and Management

Publisher: National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises(ni-msme)

Year: 1974

Country: India

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