

Journal of Current and Advance Medical Research

Journal of Current and Advance Medical Research (J Curr Adv Med Res) is a leading, open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal on medical science for rapid publication of articles. The journal provides quick initial decisions followed by a high quality medical editing service and an excellent publishing service to its authors. Papers are published open access without a page charge. This journal has been launched from January 2014 and is still continuing. J Curr Adv Med Res is published 2 times per year. Articles include original research papers, reviews, case report and short research communications. Submissions of basic and clinical research are both considered. This journal aims to publish scientifically written, evidence-based articles from all disciplines of medical sciences and clinical practice, and nursing, preventive medicine, epidemiology and healthcare research. Manuscripts should present novel findings addressing significant questions in clinical medicine research and practice, in the form of original article, editorial, review, short communication, case report, letter to the editor, and others. In addition to that J Curr Adv Med Res publishes studies performed by multi-center groups in the various disciplines of medicine, including clinical trials and cohort studies from large patient populations, specifically phase I, phase II, and phase III studies performed under the auspices of groups such as general clinical research centers, cooperative oncology groups, and the like. Reports of patients with common presentations or diseases, especially studies that delineate the natural history and therapy of important conditions are also published. Reviews oriented to the practicing internist and diagnostic puzzles, complete with images from a variety of specialties are also published. Careful physiological or pharmacological studies that explain normal function or the body's response to disease as well as analytic reviews such as meta-analyses and decision analyses using a formal structure to summarize an important field are acceptable to publish.


Keywords: Medical; Research; Current; Advance

ISSN: 2313-447X


Subject: Medicine (General)

Publisher: Bangladesh Doctors Society

Year: 2014

Country: Bangladesh

Views: 745 Research Paper Indexed by Citefactor Index -- 2

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