

Foro Interno : Anuario de Teoría Política

Foro Interno is a journal that seeks to attract first-class scientific articles in the field of political theory. It also invites articles from other areas of knowledge, inasmuch as they offer relevant content for political theory. This extends to the history of thought, political psychology, political philosophy, cultural studies and literary criticism. Foro Interno thus covers a field of research that no other journal published in Spain specifically addresses. Since this journal was launched in 2001 it has sought to strengthen innovation, excellence and internationalization in political theory, particularly in the Spanish language. Foro Interno upholds criteria of academic excellence in its content selection by means of a double-blind peer review system and careful editing of the manuscripts. This journal is also linked to an ongoing Seminar on Political Theory, held at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and composed of a well established group of professors and researchers, who offer our publications a unique significance and presence.


Keywords: Political Theory, History of Thought, Political Psychology, Political Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Literary Criticism.

ISSN: 15784576


Subject: Political Theory

Publisher: Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Year: 2001

Country: Spain

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