

Analele Ştiinţifice Ale Universităţii Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iași,Sectiunea II A : Genetica si Biologie Moleculara

Annals of the 'Alexandru Ioan Cuza' University Sect.II a.Genetics and Molecular Biology was first time published in 2000 as one issue per year, in order to disseminate the newest scientific information and ideas among researchers from different fields of modern biology. Today the journal is reaching an publication rate of 4 issues/year, being one of the fastest growing peer-reviewed journal published in Romania, devoted to promotion of high quality research. Full-paper contributions present original experimental, methodological or theoretical research.


Keywords: Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Cell biology, Computational biology, Genetics, Behavioural genetics, Molecular genetics, Population genetics, Microbiology, Molecular biology, Nutrition, Neuroscience, Behavioral neuroscience, Cheminformatics,

ISSN: 15823571


Subject: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Cell biology, Genetics Proteomics, Bioinformatics, Immunology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Neurobiology, Molecular Phylogeny, Physiology,

Publisher: Editura Universitatii "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iasi

Year: 2003

Country: Romania

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