

Pharmacognostical and Physicochemical Evaluation of Stanya Shodhan Gana Churna - An Ayurvedic Formulation in the Management of PCOS

PCOS is a syndrome of ovarian dysfunction along with the cardinal features of hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovarian morphology . Stanya Shodhan Gana is effective in Stanya Vikruti in Ayurvedic treatises. Stanya and Artav both are Updhatu of Rasa Dhatu hence Stanya Shodhan Gana can be act on Artav dusti also which is the by - product of same Origin. Keeping this hypothesis in mind, the Stanya Shodhana Gana may be effective in the management of PCOS . The present study was aimed at setting up a standard profile of Stanya Shodhan Gana which was prepared using pharmacognostical authenticated drugs like Patha, Shunthi, Devdaru, Nagarmotha, Murva, Guduchi, Vatsak , Kirattikta, Kutaki and Sariva followed by subjecting it to Physico - chemical analysis as per standard protocol. The observations were systematically recorded. Pharmacognostical findings like Pitted Vessels of Patha , Oil Globules of Devdaru , Rhombidal Crys tal of Murva confirm the presence of Patha , Devdaru and Murva etc drugs contain in Stanya Shodhan Gana . Stanya Shodhan Gana Churna was prepared as per API . HPTLC was carried out after organizing appropriate solvent system in which maximum 14 spots were dis tinguished at 254 nm and 12 spots at 366 nm.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: rtav dusti , PCOS , Stanya Shodhan Gana, Pharmacognosy, Physico - chemical analysis


EISSN: 2350-0204


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