

Influence of NaCl Salinity on ?-carotene, Thiamine, Riboflavin and Ascorbic Acid Contents in the Leaves of Atriplex hortensis L. var. Pusa Bathua No. 1

Vitamin contents of plants are also known to show altered metabolism under the influence of salinity. Not much of work has been done on the influence of salinity on the vitamin content in higher plants. The influence of NaCl salinity on the vitamin content in the leaves of Atriplex hortensis was investigated in the present study. Atriplex hortensis plants were grown in earthen pots and were subjected to different levels of saline water (NaCl) treatment. Control plants were irrigated with tap water. Treatments started after the seedling emergence and continued till the plants were 30 day old. Mature leaves of these plants were harvested and used for studies. ? -carotene, a precursor of vitamin A and ascorbic acid content were found to increase gradually with increase in the concentrations of NaCl. No significant changes were observed in thiamine and riboflavin content at lower levels of salinity, however significant decrease was observed in thiamine and riboflavin content at higher level of salinity.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Vitamins, salinity, ? - carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic acid

ISSN: 1997-0838



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