

Performance, Thermal Stability and Optimum Design Analyses of Rectangular Fin with Temperature-Dependent Thermal Properties and Internal Heat Generation

In this study, we analysed the thermal performance, thermal stability and optimum design analyses of a longitudinal, rectangular fin with temperature-dependent, thermal properties and internal heat generation under multi-boiling heat transfer using Haar wavelet collocation method. The effects of the key and controlling parameters on the thermal performance of the fin are investigated. The thermal stability criteria and optimum design parameter were established. From the investigation, the study reveals that the performance of the fin is enhanced as the boiling condition parameter or the exponent decreases. It is also established that the optimum fin length (at which Q/? reaches a maximum value) increases as the non-linear thermal conductivity term ?, increases. Furthermore, the study shows that the optimum value of M can be obtained based on the value of the non-linear term. The computational results obtained in this study were compared with established numerical solutions and is found to be in good agreement with the standard numerical solutions.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Haar wavelet collocation method; Multi-boiling heat transfer; Longitudinal fin; Thermal stability; Optimum design, Temperature-dependent thermal conductivity; Internal heat generation

ISSN: 2423-6713

EISSN: 2423-6705

EOI/DOI: 10.22059/JCAMECH.2017.244988.

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