

Assessment of Lower Subarnarekha River's Reaches through Channel Classification

Channel classification is a simple method of dividing the reaches and arranging them on the basis of their common characteristics. This helps in channel division which can be studied for further assessment. The Lower Subarnarekha River has been broadly divided into three morphological reaches which have been further subdivided into smaller reaches based on the locations at which the survey has been conducted. These spots have been morphologically assessed, their crosssectional forms analysed and the data is used for applying Rosgen's classification scheme to understand the channel character. For a more holistic approach, European Union's Water Framework Directives scheme of Hydromorphological analysis has also been done for the Lower Subarnarekha River. This gives an overall idea about the reach status in terms of ecological impact, human structures and even planform changes. Finally these two classifications have been clubbed to classify and judge the condition of the River Corridor of the river. Thus this study paves the path for further site specific river restoration.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Channel Classification River Reach Hydromorphological Assessment River Corridor

ISSN: 2249-3921

EISSN: 2249-4316


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