

Secure and Efficient Audit Service Outsourcing for Data Integrity in Clouds

Cloud-based outsourced storage relieves the client’s load for storage management and maintenance by providing a comparably low-cost, scalable, location-independent platform. Though, the information that clients no longer have physical control of data specifies that they are facing a potentially formidable risk for missing or corrupted data. To avoid the security risks, inspection services are serious to ensure the integrity and availability of outsourced data and to achieve digital forensics and reliability on cloud computing. Provable data possession (PDP), which is a cryptographic method for validating the reliability of data without retrieving it at an untrusted server, can be used to realize audit services. In this project, profiting from the interactive zero-knowledge proof system, the construction of an interactive PDP protocol to prevent the fraudulence of prover (soundness property) and the leakage of verified data (zero knowledge property).To prove that our construction holds these properties based on the computation Diffie–Hellman assumption and the rewindable black-box knowledge extractor. An efficient mechanism on probabilistic queries and periodic verification is proposed to reduce the audit costs per verification and implement abnormal detection timely. Also, we present an efficient method for choosing an optimal parameter value to reduce computational overheads of cloud audit services.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Security Risks, Audit Services, Provable Data Possession (PDP), Zero Knowledge Property, Diffie Hellman Assumption.

ISSN: 0975-0932

EISSN: 0975-0932

EOI/DOI: 10.20894/IJMSR.

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