

Penetapan Aspek Hukum Pidana Materiel Dalam RUU Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Terorisme

Terrorism criminal offense has acted back by exploding bombs at Sarinah area. It happened on 14 January 2016 causing civilian victims dead and injured. To the suicide bom explotion, actualy the government had already admitted and got this information about action plan of the terrorism group. Nevertheless, the government did not know and was unsure when the bombing action would happen and what places would be the target. With reference to the incident, the government has already taken a decision to revise Act No 15 of 2003 on Eradication of Terorism Criminal Offense immediately. The stipulation of material criminal law aspect in the draft Eradication of Terrorism Criminal Offense provides the formulation policy on terrorism criminal offense as a definite criminal offense with a basic criminal sanction recognizing a special minimum provision as well special maximum provision for imprisonment and criminal fines. The stipulation of criminal saction is an alternative. The theories of trial, assistance, amenity, agreement evil recognize perfect theories, and the death penalty is decided. Funding system of terrorism criminal offense is regulated separately in the Act as an act against the law.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Stipulation; material criminal law aspect; draft of eradication of terrorism criminal offense.

ISSN: 2549-0664

EISSN: 2549-0753


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