

The Transformation of Agropolitan TV from Government Broadcasting to Public Broadcasting

The issuance of Broadcasting Law of 2002 has transformed Indonesian broadcasting system from state-centric to more democratic system. Government- run broadcasting institution should be transformed into public broadcasting, which enables the people to control broadcasting through its board of directors, who are assumed to be public representations. Public broadcasting is expected to become a public sphere. Based on a case study, this paper explores the transformation of Agropolitan TV from government-run television to local public broadcasting. By conducting in-depth interviews with the management, office of public relations, board of directors, activists from civil society organisations, and analysing document, this paper found that ATV needs a long period of time to be legally acknowledged as local public broadcasting due to the external and internal factors, such as ATV’s decision to cooperate with private TV station, which is prohibited by the law. Although ATV’s status is relatively independent, ATV top executives are close allies of the head of Batu regency.

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Keywords: The issuance of Broadcasting Law of 2002 has transformed Indonesian broadcasting system from state-centric to more democratic system. Government- run broadcasting institution should be transformed into public broadcasting, which enables the people to control broadcasting through its board of directors, who are assumed to be public representations. Public broadcasting is expected to become a public sphere. Based on a case study, this paper explores the transformation of Agropolitan TV from government-run television to local public broadcasting. By conducting in-depth interviews with the management, office of public relations, board of directors, activists from civil society organisations, and analysing document, this paper found that ATV needs a long period of time to be legally acknowledged as local public broadcasting due to the external and internal factors, such as ATV’s decision to cooperate with private TV station, which is prohibited by the law. Although ATV’s status is relatively independent, ATV top executives are close allies of the head of Batu regency.

ISSN: 1440-3346

EISSN: 2527-4902


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