Academics wish people to see their work. They want their work to have value in their respective academic discipline, for it to be noticed and if appropriate, make a meaningful difference to the quality of people’s life. How work is valued by people varies between subject academic disciplines. For a discipline such as sport psychology, it is possible for work to have a direct benefit to the popular. The traditional approach is to publish work in peer refereed academic journals, where the steer is that the higher the impact factor, the better. An impact factor is after all an indication of engagement with work from the journal and thus, to some degree, such an argument makes sense. However, it has been difficult for academics to share their results and findings with the likely users of that work. It is not that easy to access academic journals, which are typically housed in a university library and online; only the abstract can be accessed without cost. However, recent developments has seen the rise of open access journals, some like Psychreg Journal of Psychology (PJP), are open access and free to publish (I take
objection to journals that charge authors to publish, but ask reviewers to review for free), and via social media (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc), a means to share materials to potentially large audience.
Real Time Impact Factor:
Author Name: Lane, Andrew
Keywords: idea, impact, psychology, counselling, education
ISSN: 2515-138X
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