

Socio-Demographic characteristics of tuberculosis patients in a tertiary care hospital

Aim: To assess the socio-demographic characteristics of tuberculosis patients in a tertiary care hospital. Materials and method: A prospective observational study was conducted from August 2014 to April 2015 in Pulmonary Department of Bharati hospital and Research centre, Pune. Patients under inclusion criteria were selected and socio demographic details were collected. Results: The most of patients were in the age group of 15-34 years (61.7%). Majority of patients lived in urban area 69.6% and belonged to low socio-economic status (8.9%). In the study 50.9% had PTB, 43.7% had EPTB and 5.4% had Pulmonary TB and Extra Pulmonary TB. Conclusion: Prevalence of infection was noticed between PTB and EPTB with age and it was more common in younger age. However, based on our results TB control programme might usefully target young middle age populations for early diagnosis of TB to decrease TB morbidity and mortality.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: extra-pulmonary tuberculosis; pulmonary tuberculosis; socio-demography; organ involvement.

ISSN: 2454-9142

EISSN: 2454-9142


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