

Comparative analysis of communication in ancient and modern information system

Mohammad-Bin-Tughluq, ‘the wisest fool’ as some historians wrongly call him was actually a man much ahead of his times. He always moved on to look out fresh and new innovative ideas. We call such experiments today as being creative and innovative. Md.Tuglaq was in fact the first Sultan to think on the new concept of token currency that too far back in the 14th century. He also was the one who came up with the innovative idea of keeping proper record of the provincial and state expenditure and income. In Tughlaq there was always that unique streak of intellectual creativity that is to be admired and the historians just have to look on broader prospective to observe it. It can’t be doubted that Md.Tuglaq was a man of extraordinary personality of clear foresight. The historians did injustice in writing about him and were too grave in jumping to a conclusion. Analyzing his qualification and his visionary talent combined with burning desire to rework the governance and increase his influence in areas of territorial and diplomatic achievements, he must be tagged as an innovator.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Misinterpretation, intellectual creativity, token currency, streak, innovativ

ISSN: 2349-4182

EISSN: 2349-4182


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