

Comparison of antimicrobial activity and thin layer chromatography profile of ethyl acetate fraction of leaves and stem of Cordia africana (Boraginaceae)

Cordia africana Lam., belongs to the family Boraginaceae, is native to Angola, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Saudi Arabia and Yemen (Warfa, 1988; Friis, 1992). Chloroform and aqueous fractions of leaves and stems C africana methanolic were devoid of any activity against all organisms used in this study. Ethyl acetate fraction of leaves showed activity ranged between13 -21 mm. The highest activity was against S. aureus while the lowest activity was against C. albican. Stems ethyl acetate fraction showed activity between14 -26 mm against all organisms used. The highest activity was against C. albicans (26 mm) and the lowest activity was against A. Niger and E. coli. Thin layer Chromatography of both leaves and stem ethyl acetate fractions was carried out. Different spots with different RF values and colors were observed when plates inspected under UV, 366 nm and sprayed with Para Anisaldehyde.

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Keywords: Comparison of Antimicrobial Activity, and Thin Layer Chromatography Profile.

ISSN: 2349-4182

EISSN: 2349-4182


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