

Validation of two parameter function height diameter models

Eleven nonlinear height diameter models were fitted and developed for Pinus trees based on individual tree height and diameter at breast height data (n=300) collected from block Langate of Kashmir province in India. Fitting of height diameter models using non-linear least square regression showed that all the parameters across all models were significant. In order to test the predictive performance of the models 10- folded cross-validation technique was used in this study. Comparison of AIC, RMSE, ME and Ad-R2 values for the training and validation data showed that most of the non-linear HD models capture the height diameter relationships for Pinus trees. Validation results suggest that Naslund -2 HD model provide the best height predictions in case of Pinus tree.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Height, Diameter, Cross validation, Pinus

ISSN: 2229-7278

EISSN: 2231-6434

EOI/DOI: 10.15740/HAS/IRJAES/9.2/331-33

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