Perspectives of Nusantara’s Mufassirs on al-Fâtihah: Comparing Tafsir al-Qur’anul Majid an-Nur and Tafsir al-Azhar. Using descriptive-analytical-comparative approach, this article discusses the interpretations of surah al-Fâtihah according to Hasbi ash-Shiddieqy’s masterpiece Tafsir al-Qur’an al-Majîd al-Nûr and Hamka’s Tafsir al-Azhar. The interpretation of surah al-Fâtihah can be classified into two important components: external components and internal components. The external components speak about the external elements of the surah al-Fâtihah, namely: the naming of surah, places and periods of revelation of the surah, its number of verses, asbâb al-nuzûl, pronunciation ta‘awudz and âmîn. While the internal component is the messages contained surah al-Fâtihah, namely: monotheism, promises and threaths, worship, the way of gaining happiness, and story of the past. The study found that the two authors differ at some points, although not principel ones. For example, Hasbi believes that basmallâh is a separate verse from surah al-Fâtihah, while Hamka, as do most commentators, considers basmallâh as the first verse of surah al-Fâtihah.
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Author Name: Arivaie Rahman
Keywords: quran, mufasir, Nusantara, HAMKA, M. Hasbi ash-Shiddieqy
ISSN: 2528-6110
EISSN: 2528-7435
EOI/DOI: 10.30821/jcims.v2i1.1742
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