Islamic Organization in Malay Land: Ideology and Movements of Al-Ittihadiyah Before-Reform Era. This article examines the Al-Ittihadiyah organization in North Sumatra, focusing on its ideology, programs, and its development in a pluralistic community. This article is based on content analysys study, combining literary information and field data. This article proposes that Al-Ittihadiyah was one of the Islamic organizations established in Medan City, initiated and patronized by Malay clerics and prominent figures. As such this organisation has a very close ties with Malays, very much like the association of the Minangkabaus with Muhammadiyah and Mandailings with Al Jam’iyatul Washliyah. In addition, Al-Ittihadiyah as an organization is not affiliated with certain schools of faith and jurisprudence, but its supporters are adherents of the Ash‘ariyah and Syâfi‘iyah schools. Al-Ittihadiyah engages in education, da’wah and social charity. In the beginning of independence, Al-Ittihadiyah leaders joined the Masjumi Party, and later on the Unity and Development Party (PPP). It seems that this political involvement makes this organization unable to compete with Al Washliyah and Muhammadiyah.
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Author Name: Al Rasyidin
Keywords: organisasi Islam, Al-Ittihadiyah, mazhab, pendidikan, dakwah, politik, Melayu
ISSN: 2528-6110
EISSN: 2528-7435
EOI/DOI: 10.30821/jcims.v2i1.1746
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