

NAHDLATUL ULAMA DI LUAR JAWA: Perkembangan di Tanah Mandailing

Nahdlatul Ulama Beyond Java: The Development in Mandailing Land. This article examines the development of Nahdhatul Ulama beyond Java, especially in Mandailing land. This article is based on a research that combine literary review and field study and apply Miles and Huberman model in data analysis. It was found that the establishment of Nahdlatul Ulama in North Sumatra was initiated by alumnies of Pesantren Musthafawiyah, a traditional pesantren founded by Sheikh Mustafa Husein. The role of these pesantren alumnies—mostly of Mandailing tribe—is now decreasing significantly. In fact, the leadership of Nahdlatul Ulama in North Sumatra is no longer in the hands of those santris. Nahdlatul Ulama in North Sumatra was originated from Tapanuli region before it expanded to Medan where two other Islamic organizations have appeared earlier, namely Al Washliyah and Al-Ittihadiyah. Its development was further strengthened by the presence of NU cadres in the government bureaucracy and legislative institutions.

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Keywords: Nahdlatul Ulama, politik, Mandailing, pesantren Musthafawiyah

ISSN: 2528-6110

EISSN: 2528-7435

EOI/DOI: 10.30821/jcims.v2i1.1747

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