

Biophysical Mind-Brain Sleep Regulation in Health and Pathology

Why people sleep? What kind of kinetics drive human to nighttime sleep phases? What kind of fundamentals night sleep performs? The medical macro biophysical physiological neuropsychiatric operational (MBPNPO) model provides key answers. Human circadian cycles with daytime excitable wakeful body operational ranges (BOR) based on non-automatic velocity-increasing kinetics and nighttime inhibit the macro biophysical physiological mind operational kinetics. It replaces non-automatic into automatic velocity-reduced BOR regulation at sleep phases to sustain homeostatic balance and human life-supporting properties. Nighttime sleep phases carry on fundamental homeostatic functions on resynchronizing cellular and tissues systems, stabilizing intellectual memory with closure of memory storages and activating sexual organs from adolescence on with vivid erotic dreams influencing heterosexual wakeful orientation effects. At sleep stage IV homeostatic tuning of the overall body cells and tissues with an automatic biophysical engraving genetic program to tune the life span timing scale for every circadian cycle events. At sleep, stage IV under the least metabolic energy usage and low-rate kinetics hermetic closure of all daily working memory repositories occur to tuning stabilizing intellectual memory potentials for given circadian cycles. At REM sleep stage II, sexual organs potentiate orgasmic sensation linked with erotic dreams tuning homeostatic heterosexual pairing. Complementary fixed biochemical and biophysical parameters at sleep stage IV, may serve as an individual’s database for comparison in health and pathology, severely influencing all kinds at sleep disturbances.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Body-brain-biophysical mind unity; Circadian diurnal and nocturnal cycles; Evolutionary sleep control over mutated genetics

ISSN: 2379-7150



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