Homeopathy; it is a Greek word and its principles have a long history, dating back to ancient times. As a
base in homeopathy; plants, animal products, minerals, acids and salts, enzymes and synthetic derived products
are used. These products are also known as homeopathic remedies. Remedies that will be used for homeopathic
purposes are passed through a process called “proving” before they are prepared. All data obtained from this
process are recorded in books, which name is known "materia medica" and "repertory".
The aim of this review is to give brief information about remedies that can be used for homeopathic
purposes and appropriate remediation.
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Author Name: Ali Özgür ÖZPEK, Levent ALTINTA?
Keywords: Homeopathy, Materia Medica, Proving, Repertory, Remedy.
ISSN: 1309-4769
EISSN: 2667-8381
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