Turkey, in 2017 there are more than a hundred thousand tons of production by about eight million beehives
presence. It is among the leading countries of the world in the beekeeping sector with this production amount.
However, some sectoral problems of the beekeeping sector in Turkey. These Problems can be ordered as producer
profile, low honey yield per hive, problems experienced in migratory beekeeping, support policies, problems in
marketing, bee diseases and pests. Implementation of solutions for existing problems, encouraging young
producers to beekeeping activities and developing themselves in terms of beekeeping from the meaning of
veterinary medicine is important for the development of the beekeeping sector.
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Author Name: Mustafa Bahad?r ÇEVR?ML?, Engin SAKARYA
Keywords: Beekeping sector, honey production, unit cost, migratory beekeeping, problems.
ISSN: 1309-4769
EISSN: 2667-8381
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