

Communicate Science

Communication is essential to the nature and practice of science. The scientists not only to communicate the results to their colleagues, they also rely on the knowledge of previous works to formulate proposals and research methodologies. This communication can be defined as the process of presentation, storage, distribution and receipt of scientific information in society. I.e., is the set of activities that interpret and make accessible scientific knowledge to the general public. Therefore, all those tasks that carry the scientific knowledge to people interested in understanding or finding out about that kind of knowledge. We can clearly deduce that Internet, and especially the World Wide Web (www), is a powerful tool for the divulgation of science, nevertheless the evaluation of the quality of the information transmitted remains unavoidable.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Communication; Health Communication; Access to Information; Information Technology; Information Storage and Retrieval; Knowledge Management for Health Research


EISSN: 2530-5115

EOI/DOI: 10.22585/hospdomic.v3i2.57

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