The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of using the Davis Symbol Mastery Procedure for Words (Davis, 1994) for improving spelling skills. The participant was a fourth-grade male diagnosed with a significant learning disability. The intervention consisted of having the participant write each word, its definition, the word in a sentence for context, creating a pictorial representation of the word, and then forming the word from clay. The results demonstrated that the Davis Symbol Mastery Procedure was successful. The procedure was cost effective and required little training to implement. Possible additional classroom suggestions for using the Davis Symbol Mastery procedure were made.
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Author Name: Gianna Amsberry, Thomas McLaughlin, K. Mark Derby , Teresa Waco
Keywords: Davis Symbol Mastery, Learning Disabilities, Spelling, Classroom Research, Multiple Baseline Design.
ISSN: 0973-8827
EISSN: 2230-7141
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