

Art and Religion: forms of relationship

We dedicate this magazine issue, in general, and this dialogue, in particular, to the connections that art and religion have had over time. The discussion partner is Mr. Constantin I. Ciobanu, a well-known historian and art critic. The topics around which the dialogue is made are: the relations between art and religion as two fundamental concerns of humanity; the meeting places and the differences between the aesthetic and the religious feeling; the forms of artistic transmission of the religious message; artistic expressions of faith in the Christian world; the contribution of the principles of Christianity to the enrichment of the cultural-artistic treasure of humanity; the influences of the mosaics on the walls of the Byzantine churches on the development of the later art; religious kitsch and how we distinguish true art.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: art, religion, aesthetic sentiment, religious sentiment, byzantine art, kitsch.

ISSN: CZU: [7.046.3+7.033.2](047.53

EISSN: 1857-2537

EOI/DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3741329

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