This study examines the effectiveness of the function of coaching units according to the regulation of the Head of the Republic of Indonesia police Force No. 3 year 2015 about community development, Polres Buru has been formed several years since Buru Island was set to be the Buru regency, originally named Polres Pulau 2005 Buru The police themselves in this case have prepared personnel representing the field of community coaching. Essentially build a partnership between the police and the community so that it materialize mutual trust, respect and mutual respect between the police and the community. The police are acceptable and supported by the community. Police activities to encourage, direct, and mobilize the community to play a role in the Binkamtibmas (Security coach and community order) through the form of Pamswakarsa and the implementation of the Community Policing model among others conducted through the assignment of police members to Bhayangkara Pembina Kamtibmas (Bhabinkamtibmas) which refers to the head of the Republic of Indonesia National Police number: B/3377/IX/2011/Baharkam dated 29 September 2011 about the deployment of Bhabinkamtibmas in the village.
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Author Name: Lutfi Rumkel, Darwin Rukua, Rustam Rustam
Keywords: efektifitas, pembinaan masyarakat, kepolisian
ISSN: 2723-3669
EISSN: 2723-3669
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