Objective: To know the perception of pregnant women about primary care after
decentralization of prenatal assistance. Method: Descriptive, exploratory research with
qualitative approach. Eleven pregnant women users of the Unified Health System of the
municipality of Mandaguari, Paraná, participated in the study. Data were collected between July
and August, 2017, through individual interviews in the ward of the nursing unit of the Basic
Health Unit with application of a semi-structured questionnaire. Interviews were audio recorded,
transcribed and submitted to Content Analysis in the thematic modality. Results: The following
categories emerged from the analysis: "Satisfaction of the pregnant women with the care
received from professionals during prenatal care" and "Critical nodes of care after the
decentralization process". Final considerations: It was observed that, according to the
perception of the pregnant women, the actions to prenatal care after the decentralization
process occurred without standardization among the different Basic Health Units, with individual
aspects of professional attitudes and qualification as factors that interfere with the quality of
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Author Name: Viviane Cazetta de Lima Vieira, Angélica Romagnolo de Andrade Vieira, Marta Barbosa Silva
Keywords: Perception; Pregnant women; Prenatal care; Decentralization; Primary health care
ISSN: 2596-0342
EISSN: 2596-0342
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