The purpose of this research is to get an overview of the level of threat and vulnerability due to lightning strikes in North Sumatra Province and present it in the form of a thematic map.In this case, we use the real time lightning strike data during June 2020 in regencies / cities in North Sumatra from the Deli Serdang Geophysical Station Lightning Detector tool, then the data is processed and mapped in the Arcgis 10 program using the Gridding method. The result indicate that the mechanism of lightning is related to physical theory including the presence of electrostatic forces, collisions between particles in charge separation, changes in the form of substances at a certain height in the Cumulonimbus cloud, potential differences that cause lightning strikes and charge induction from charged clouds.
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Author Name: Teguh Rahayu, Niken Woro Palupi, RB. Yanuar Harry W, Emerson Limbong, Mira Hestina Ginting, Janner Simarmata, Marzuki Sinambela
Keywords: lightning, cloud, gridding
ISSN: 2302-9692
EISSN: 2723-8695
EOI/DOI: 10.24224/login.v14i1.9
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