

Myiasis, Dipteran flies and their Implications in Forensic Entomology.

Myiasis is a pathological condition caused by the larval infestation in human or animal tissues. It is caused by the larvae of dipteran flies which are cosmopolitan in distribution. It occurs frequently in tropical countries and developed due to poor hygienic conditions. In human beings, the most commonly affected sites are the skin, mouth, ears, eyes, nose, anus and vagina. The diagnosis of the disease includes examining the larvae in the wounds and lesions. Pain and irritation in the affected body parts are the general complaints by the patients. The treatment is generally carried out by local disinfection and removal of larvae from the affected area. Effective fly control measures and good hygienic conditions should be adopted to control the disease. Insect life cycle stages found on the body and crime scene may be used in the estimation of post-mortem intervals (time since death) in forensic investigations. Insect evidence can also be used in the conditions of myiasis in living beings. Neglect or cruelty results in the untreated wound, and accumulation of faeces or urine, therefore attract the flies to oviposit. These eggs, larvae, etc. can be collected from the wound and presented in the court of law. A forensic entomologist can determine the minimum time since abuse or the duration of neglect by estimating the temperature, species, and age of the insect.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Dipteran flies, Forensic entomology, Insects, Myiasis.

ISSN: 0000-0000

EISSN: 2582-1032


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