

Limitations for the development of the small and medium enterprises in Ecuador.

The small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are one of the basic pillars in any economy. Their participation and development in Ecuador is highly significant, despite the problems they experienced. The investigation has the objective of analyzing which are the difficulties that the productive sector SMEs presents in the country, especially in the search for financing. The applied credit policies, the reforms that were made regarding financial institutions and the interest rates applied to this sector, the incentives and programs that SMEs have to promote their growth are analyzed. As well as the existing obstacles and limitations on the part of the banking and cooperative system, such as: requirements, lapses to approve the credit, lack of financial projection, risk management and mainly high interest rates. Within this research, a review of the credit policies implemented in Ecuador is carried out and how these have helped or impaired the access to the credit offered by the financial system to the SMEs. This analysis will contribute to future works, providing relevant information for the development of better public policies and regulations in favor of this economic sector with a view to solving various current economic problems.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: economic cycle; financing institutions; credit policies; interest rates

ISSN: 2074-0735



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