The work shows the results of research on butterfly species richness, which took place in Podgorica (Montenegro) between April and June of 2017. The material was gathered on 14 sites located within the city borders. Observations confirmed the presence of 48 species of butterflies representing 5 families: Hesperidae (5 species), Papilionidae (3 species), Pieridae (9 species), Lycaenidae (13 species) and Nymphalidae (18 species). The most common species were Iphilcides podalirius, Papilio machaon, Colias croceus, Coenonympha pamphilus, Polyommatus icarus and Aricia agestis. Results are discussed on a background of two species lists from other urban areas of Balkan Penisula (Zagreb and Patras) as well as a diversity of the butterfly fauna of Montenegro. It is the first analysis of the butterfly fauna of Podgorica city.
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Author Name: Sylwia Katarzyna PIETRZAK
Keywords: Lepidoptera, urban fauna, urban entomology, species richness, butterfly survey.
EISSN: ISSN:2651-3579
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