

Application of the Information and Communication Technologies for the Development of Students’ English Language Listening Skill

This article shows the results of an investigation which main objective was to analyze the contribution of information and communication technologies in the development of the listening skills in Fifth grade students at “Sagrado Corazon” School of Esmeraldas, 2019 in whose technological application changes were observed not only in the students' attitude also, in their oral expression. Meanwhile, this research was carried out through a qualitative-quantitative approach. In Fact, the observation and the survey were applied because they allowed obtaining the greatest number of data directly front of the protagonists for their subsequent analysis and execution of solutions to the problem posed. As instrument, a questionnaire was applied to thirty-three students and four teachers. Furthermore, the results revealed the little use of these technological tools by teachers in their classrooms, being evident the need for greater training to know, learn and include these tools in the curriculum, which allow developing an interactive, dynamic, and effective teaching and learning process of the English language.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Information, Communication, Technologies, Listening Skills, English Language

ISSN: 2456-8104



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