

Investigation of the Standard Deviation of Ornstein - Uhlenbeck Noise in the DDPG Algorithm

Reinforcement learning is a learning method that many creatures often unwittingly use to gain abilities such as eating and walking. Inspired by this learning method, machine learning researchers have reduced this learning method to subheadings as value learning and policy learning. In this study, the noise standard deviation of the deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) method, which is one of the policy learning algorithms, was examined to solve inverse kinematics of a 2 degrees-of-freedom planar robot. For this examination, 8 different functions were determined depending on the maximum value of the output of the action artificial neural network. Created artificial neural networks were trained by using these functions in 1000 iterations with 200 steps in each iteration. After the training, the statistical difference between the groups was examined and it was found that there was no statistical difference between the three best groups. For this reason, the best three groups were retrained 2500 iterations and 200 steps and tested for 100 different test scenarios after the training. After testing, the inverse kinematic equation of the 2 degrees-of-freedom planar robot with minimal errors was obtained with the help of artificial neural networks. In the light of the results, the importance of the choice of the standard deviation of noise and the correct range of selection was presented for researchers who will work in this field.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG), Ornstein–Uhlenbeck noise, Reinforcement learning, Inverse kinematics, Standard deviation range


EISSN: 2147-9526

EOI/DOI: 10.29109/gujsc.872646

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