

Urinary Stone Management During COVID-19 Pandemic

Nowadays coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a major health problem all over the world. So, regarding the highly recommended homestay strategies for prevention of COVID-19 the usual treatment platform of several diseases has changed. During self-quarantine, the urolithiasis treatment is completely different. However, we can suggest conservative treatment for three months during the COVID-19 outbreak and after that reevaluation of the patient will be done. Thus, the operation could be chosen carefully based on patient's and urologist’s preferences and the rate of infection in that center.

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Keywords: Nowadays coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a major health problem all over the world. So, regarding the highly recommended homestay strategies for prevention of COVID-19 the usual treatment platform of several diseases has changed. During self-quarantine, the urolithiasis treatment is completely different. However, we can suggest conservative treatment for three months during the COVID-19 outbreak and after that reevaluation of the patient will be done. Thus, the operation could be chosen carefully based on patient's and urologist’s preferences and the rate of infection in that center.

ISSN: 2717-042X

EISSN: 2717-042X

EOI/DOI: 10.22034/TRU.2020.245645.1030

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