

Unusual Complication of Ewing Sarcoma of Vulva: Case Report

Introduction Primary Ewing sarcoma of the vulva is an extremely rare tumor with less than 10 molecular confirmed reported cases. Urinary retention in this case is an unusual manifestation. Case presentation We describe a 15 years-old female patient with advanced Ewing sarcoma of the vulva and urinary retention during chemotherapy. The technique of catheterization with two catheters could be interesting, in this case as well. When it comes to Immunohistochemistry, tumor cells displayed CD99, NIKX2. Conclusions In all cells and proliferative capacity of KI-67 in 40% of tumor cells, but other markers were negative.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Sarcoma Ewing Vulva Neoplasms Vulva Urinary Retention

ISSN: 2717-042X

EISSN: 2717-042X

EOI/DOI: 10.22034/TRU.2020.255363.1039

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