

Gender Discrimination in Tourism Enterprises: A Conceptual Evaluation

As in the social structure, there are some unequal practices in terms of gender in businesses and especially in tourism enterprises due to the fact that they are service-oriented enterprises. In this study, gender discrimination; Firstly, it was explained by considering the general dimension, then the gender category, some different approaches to gender discrimination in sociological terms were briefly explained, what kind of gender discrimination examples are experienced in business life, and lastly, it was examined in terms of gender discrimination structure in tourism enterprises and field studies were discussed.. It has been argued that gender discrimination is not a given or natural value, but a social value shaped by culture. Especially in gender discrimination, which can create an ideological dilemma in business life, the idea that this dilemma should be eliminated and a clear attitude should be developed, even though this dilemma will cause contradictory attitudes on the subject. Although it will not be easy to change a social value such as gender discrimination, it has been argued that it will be possible with a change in perception in the social structure, and it has been emphasized that women, especially working and high-ranking women, have important responsibilities in changing this perception. As a priority step, the recognition of this kind of problem by raising awareness at the social level, after this acceptance, women develop a consistent attitude towards discriminatory practices, and then the cooperation of institutions within the social structure with women in the attitude of women towards the issue, in workplaces and tourism enterprises. In this study, which includes what kind of measures can be taken to prevent discriminatory practices, it has been accepted that the recognition of discrimination by mass media is an important step in order to gain a perspective on the issue among the measures that can be taken. In this descriptive study in terms of method, gender discrimination is discussed conceptually

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Discrimination, Gender, Gender Discrimination, Gende Discrimination, in Businesses, Tourism Businesses and Gender

ISSN: 2757-8933



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