

Discourses and Counter Discourses in the Modern Retelling: A Study of V. Raghunathan's Duryodhana

This paper addresses the issues of counter-narrative and subversion in the modern retellings of an Indian myth, the Mahabharata. Also, the terms “myth” and “retelling” are given new meanings. V. Raghunathan’s novel Duryodhana is an appropriate example for modern way of retelling. In this paper this novel is studied through the framework of counter-narrative, resistance of marginalized and subversion. Placing the vanquished Duryodhana as a hero and seeing his life from the positive angle makes the plot more interesting. This type of retelling brings out the new meaning or dimension to the famous episodes of the Mahabharata which is not discussed earlier. Giving voice to the marginalized from the new perspective creates more space to interpret the myth in depth. In essence, this paper has viewed the effect of the counter-narrative and subversion in the novel Duryodhana and how readers can educate themselves about their myth through this modern retelling.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Myth, Retelling, Counter-narrative, Subversion and Marginalized

ISSN: 2581-9526

EISSN: 2581-9526


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