

Movable forms of iron in the trace element mode of alluvial meadow soil

The results of a laboratory-model experiment on the study of the role of moving forms of iron in the trace element mode of alluvial-meadow loamy soil are presented. The purpose of the work is to identify the nature of the interaction (antagonistic and / or synergistic) between mobile forms of iron and other trace elements (copper, zinc and molybdenum) introduced into the soil to improve the conditions of trace element nutrition of legumes. In a model laboratory experiment (500 ml vegetation vessels) investigated the effect of various trace elements, either alone or in a mixture, on their content in the soil and in the field diaper plants (Pisum arvense L.). The trace elements were used on the background of mineral fertilizer (N60P60K60) in the form of sulfuric acid salts in the following doses: iron - 200, copper - 132, zinc - 220 mg / kg of soil; molybdenum was made in the form of ammonium molybdate at a dose of 2 mg / kg soil. Samples of soil and plants were taken when the plants were in the budding phase. Analytical, model and statistical-mathematical research methods were applied. It was proved that movable iron, which is a typomorphic element for hydromorphic soils, significantly influences the input of trace elements into the legume. It was shown that the antagonism between iron and zinc leads to a decrease in the availability of both biogenic elements to the plants of diapers, the mass of which, in the variant with the pair introduction of these elements was the lowest. The combined use of molybdenum, copper and zinc blocks the negative effects of mobile iron and has a positive effect on the growth of diapers; the plants had the best biometrics. The use of these trace elements will thus contribute to the formation of high yields of legumes grown on iron-saturated hydromorphic and semi-hydromorphic floodplain soils.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: alluvial-meadow soil; antagonism; iron movable forms; soil solution; synergism; trace element.

ISSN: 0587-2596

EISSN: 2616-6852


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