Sustainable management of irrigated soils is one of the components and a tool for achieving the sustainable development goals of the country. An analysis of literature sources indicates that today this issue is very important both at the international and national levels. Developments of scientific and methodological approaches to its implementation to address challenges of food security, conservation and rational use of natural resources, adaptation to climate change are necessary. The purpose of the research is to determine the list of basic properties of the "irrigated soils" system and methodological approaches of the sustainable management of irrigated soils of agricultural use under climate changes. The methodological basis of research is structural and functional analyse, which involves a systematic study of the level of internal soils organization, the nature of their functioning and features of evolution depending on the landscape conditions. The result of the work is the scientific and methodological approaches to the sustainable management of irrigated soils at the present development stage of land amelioration. It`s based on the following conceptual positions: (а) application of a systematic approach, the essence of which is a holistic study and management of the interconnected elements of circuit «irrigation water – ground water – soil – crop»; (в) the study of a complex of blocks - informational, normative, technological, economic and organizational; adoption of differentiated measures on the balanced use of irrigated soils on the basis of an objective; (с) management decisions on the balanced use of irrigated soils based on spatially differentiated integrated monitoring and assessment of the ecology-ameliorative condition of lands; (d) constant adjustment of the management algorithm according to the tactical and operational goals of the system. It is shown that a systematic approach is based on the study of the object – irrigated soils as an integral set of interconnected components in accordance with the principles of comprehensiveness, consistency of goals, continuity of the process of adjusting system goals and reliability of information (elements). An integrated approach is based on such principles as complexity, consistency of goals, the continuity of the process of adjusting the goals of the system and reliability of information.
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Author Name: Vorotyntseva L.I.
Keywords: irrigated soils; management; system approach; systems properties.
ISSN: 0587-2596
EISSN: 2616-6852
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