

Etiopathological Study of Vicharchika w.s.r. to Eczema and its Management through Pathyapathya

In Ayurveda, twak vikara (skin disease) is caused due to imbalance of tridosha, but pitta dosha is involved in prime form. Pitta and rakta dhatu vridhhi kshaya is compliment to each other by Ashraya-ashrayi bhava. Lakshana of kushtha depends upon Dosha-dushya sammurchhana. Skin is one of the most defining aspects of our appearance and first barrier of protective mechanism. Skin diseases have been dealt under the Kushtha and kshudra roga and all types of Kushtha have been considered as Raktavaha srotodushtijanya vikara and Tridoshaja origin. Vicharchika is described under Kshudrakushtha in samhita texts. Lakshanas are Kandu, Pidika, Shyava, Bahustrava in Charaka. Lakshanas are Rajyo, Atikandu, Ruja,Rukshata in Sushruta. Vicharchika is mentioned in dominancy of different dosha by various acharyas. Kapha & Pitta, Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Swedavaha srotasa are key pathological factors involved in the Samprapti of Vicharchika. A similar clinical presentation of Vicharchika in modern dermatology is seen in Eczema, which is defined as a non-contageous inflammation of the skin when it has not involved any infection. In the 21st century, urbanization, science and technology had made our life better, fast and sedentary. Therefore, neither do we have time to think and act for healthy life nor to follow a proper Dinacharya and Ritucharya, this affects mansika bhava. Now a days, skin diseases are becoming a major hazard for mental health more than physical harm as it distributes the cosmetic harmony. Outside food is also a major cause of dietary incompatibility (Viruddha Ahara) which is a major cause of Vicharchika (eczema). According to management of Vicharchika the Ahara-Vihara which are having Kapha-pittashamaka and Laghu property are used for its treatment. In this article, an attempt has been made to study the Etiopathogenesis of Vicharchika (Eczema) and role of life style management and pathyapathya on this disease.

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Keywords: Vicharchika, Eczema, Raktavaha srotas dushti, Etiopathogenesis, Pathyapathya


EISSN: 2350-0204


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