In this research, it was aimed to examine the assertiveness levels and self-respect of adolescents with single parent and whole family. Relational screening model was used to access data. The sample of the present study consists of 435 students, 251 girls and 184 boys, 223 of them with single parent while 212 of them with whole family, 155 sixth graders, 147 seventh graders, 147 eighth graders who continue their education at 15 different secondary schools in Sancaktepe, Istanbul. Assessment instruments are applied to the sample of students that are on the first term of 2012-2013 school year. The data of this research was collected by using “Topukcu’s (1982) Assertiveness Inventory” and “Piers-Harris (1964) Self-concept Scale”. In accordance with the acquired data, the relationship and the difference between the assertiveness levels and self-respect of adolescents with single parent and whole family were analysed by using SPSS 15.0 program. As a result of this study, it was found that in the sub-scales of self-esteem scale, the adolescents perception of happiness-satisfaction, anxiety, popularity (social inclination), conformity (behaviour-harmony), physical appearance and mental and school condition who live only with one of his/her parents and live with their whole family instead of a broken family is higher than the level of assertiveness and self-respect of adolescents with single parent that obliged to continue his/her life with single parent due to the death of one of his/her parents. Also, the assertiveness levels and self-respect of adolescents’ with whole family are higher than the level of assertiveness and self-respect of adolescents with single parent that obliged to continue his/her life with single parent due to the death of one of his/her parents or their parents’ divorcement. A considerably significant relationship was found between the adolescents’ self and self-respect.
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Author Name: Mesut Demirbilek and Mustafa Otrar
Keywords: Self, Self-Respect, Self-Esteem Assertivenes, Single Parentage, Broken Family
ISSN: 1309-2707
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