The squabble over colonialism changing
garb and reintroducing itself as globalization has
incessantly continued ever since the multinationa
l corporations (MNCs) stepped into the third
world. In her Man Booker prize winning novel,
The Inheritance of Loss
, Kiran Desai captures this
sentiment with her exquisite craft. As universally
acknowledged, the origin of colonialism can be
traced to around
16th century and involved the expansion of
colonies in one te
rritory by people
from another territory, particular
ly from Europe. It is characteriz
ed by unequal and exploitative
relationships between the colonial power and th
e subjugated colony. Post- colonial literature
focuses on the aftermath of colonialism on its colonies.
After the crumbling away of
1980s witnessed the rise of globalization with
the promise of dissolving national boundaries and
international integration arising from the intercha
nge of world views, products, ideas, and other
aspects of culture. Serious doubts
were however expressed on the
bona fide intentions of the
phenomenon and literary critics have often regarded
it as the old – colonial
- wine in a new bottle.
The paper attempts to let the readers have a tast
e of the old colonial wine in the new bottle of
globalization, so skillfully se
rved by Desa
i in her novel
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Author Name: Rajeev Tiwari
Keywords: Independent Researcher
ISSN: 2321-7065
EISSN: 2321-7065
EOI/DOI: 3/4/2015
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