

Dynamic Resource Recovery in Grid

Resource discovery is a fundamental problem ingrid systems. A P2P network is a distributed system with the attributes of dynamicity and scalability. P2P systems have the same goal as grid systems: to share and exchange various resources. With their development, P2P systems and grid systems can be combined into a new system which has their attributes. In this paper, a novel hierarchical P2P based grid model based on the existing grid resource discovery models is discussed. A way to provide Grid scalability is to adopt Peer-to-Peer (P2P) models to implement nonhierarchical decentralized Grid services and systems. A core Grid functionality that can be effectively redesigned using the P2P approach is resource discovery. This paper proposes a P2P resource discovery architecture aiming to manage various Grid resources and complex queries. Its goal is two-fold: to address discovery of multiple resources, and to support discovery of dynamic resources and queries in Grids.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Resource discovery, peer to peer, Grid.

ISSN: 2394-2231

EISSN: 2394-2231


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