

The Theme of Death And Time in Emily Dickinson?s Poetry

Emily Dickinson was a poet of seclusion and solitariness. She preferred to remain in her own world with her typical choices. She wrote almost 1800 poems, but most of them remained unpublished during her lifetime. The theme of death and time are two most discussed issues in Dickinson’s poetry. Interest about Dickinson still remains in critical world for her choice of words, thematic movement of the poem and expression of innermost feelings in simple language. Her poems on death and time not only attract the general readers but also they have become issues of critical research throughout the world. The poems of Dickinson are an expression of her own world, lived within the space of her own. The voice of this poet echoes great poets like Shakespeare and Metaphysical poets in her depiction of the themes of time and death.

Real Time Impact Factor: 0.03333

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Keywords: Death, Time, Seclusion, Confessional

ISSN: 2321-7065

EISSN: 2321-7065

EOI/DOI: 18/5/2015

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