

Models of emotional intelligence: Similarities and discrepancies

The importance of emotional intelligence in different domains of life has resulted in increased interest to apply the wisdom of Emotional Intelligence in day-to-day life practices. The result is that there are several models popular today in terms of which nature and functions of emotional intelligence are discussed. Taking into consideration the theoretical developments and researches done in the field there seems to be five main models which have gained importance for conceptualizing emotional intelligence namely the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso conceptualization, Daniel Goleman's Model of Emotional Intelligence, Bar-On's Model of Emotional Intelligence, Cooper and Sawaf Four Cornerstone Model and Six Seconds' Model of Emotional Intelligence. This paper mainly deals with the discussion of these five models and an attempt is made to reveal some similarities and discrepancies among the various models.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: emotional intelligence, models, similarities and discrepancies

ISSN: 2229-4937

EISSN: 2321-368X


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