

Using Causal Loop Diagram in Understanding Financial Activities of Malaysia Pension Fund

Objective – The aim of the article is to present the development of a simulation framework which identifies Malaysia Pension Fund main sources as well as the financial activities. Methodology/Technique - Numerous factors influencing the financial condition pension fund is summarized. Based on the set of system factors in literature summarization, causal loop diagram is used to analyse the inter - relationships among these factors. Findings – Causal loop d iagram shows a relationship between these factors, which can be used in analysing financial condition of a pension fund. In the developed causal loop diagram, it shows the main sources of Malaysia pension fund, the asset allocation, and the future benefit payment. Novelty – The causal loop diagram will then, be used as a dynamic hypothesis of this study and serves as a basis for quantitative models. Type of Paper: Conceptual

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Pension Fund, Financial Activities, Simulation, Causal Loop Diagram .

ISSN: 2289-8506

EISSN: 2289-8506


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