

Current status of Research on algal bio-fuels in India

Abstract India is the sixth largest and one of the fastest growing energy consumers in the world due to raising population and consumption power of India. Vehicular pollution contributes to about 70% to the total air pollution and is estimated to have increased 8 times in the last 2 decades. Due to limited crude oil reserves, India meets about 72% of its crude oil and petroleum products requirements through imports, which are expected to expand further in coming years. Bio-fuels promise to be an appropriate option to be fixed as a solution to these problems. Bio - fuels have been developing in stages and have come up a long way. Bio-fuels were produced initially using waste oil as raw material and then as the demand rose up various generations of technologies using different raw materials mushroomed up as options for bio -fuels production. Various companies and research setups for algal fuels are coming up and are backed by big investors in India.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Micro algae, macro algae, algal biomass, biofuels


EISSN: 2229 – 6905


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